Moving Up The Emotional Scale
Change your life through changing the way you feel

You’ve stumbled upon this site for a reason, perhaps a friend shared it with you, perhaps you found a link to it by sheer coincidence while you were searching about the law of attraction and taking your life to the next level…

This is an invitation to allow yourself to let go of internal baggage that you have been walking around with.  The result is that you will feel lighter and have a greater sense of freedom and joy.

This is a joint venture between using the Abraham-Hicks emotional scale, muscle testing and various affirmations in order to allow you to move up the emotional scale of life.

Facilitated by Barry Auchettl from Australia, this process is based on the Abraham list of emotional scale, ranging from despair to empowerment, and everything in between. This is an interactive process where the goal is to bring you up the emotional scan chart in order to leave feeling empowered, joyful and connected as we collectively shift the emotional well being and vibrational frequencies of all who attend.

The intent of the sessions are to allow everyone to move up the scale to whatever level feels right for you at the time. How far up the emotional scale do you think you can go?

The Law of Attraction

Everyone wants to experience things which make us happy. Each one of us has a lot of wants and wishes which have remained unfulfilled. But it is our desires that bring unhappiness to our life. Equip yourself with the basics of law of attraction and you will become empowered enough to drive your life to happiness.

Every one of us would be delighted if we had a magic mantra or a genie who would make true every wish that we have garnered in our life. But the fact is we need not possess anything like a mantra or genie to make this happen. There is a lot of power endowed into us. We just have to discover and unleash it for our benefit.

“Thoughts are things”. This is a very true statement. Each of our thoughts, beliefs and feelings are real, nothing imaginary and unrealistic about them. They have life and spiritual substance. Every experience that we go through has its origins in the non physical. Each thought that is born in our mind is a seed. Each time we think about that idea we are watering it and fertilize it when we put it emotion into the thought. The more we strongly believe in our desire and visualize it, the faster it will become a reality in our life.

Everything that happens- happens for the better. The Laws of the Universe are always functioning for our good. It is up to us to be aware of them and use them for our benefit. The Law of Attraction is a great way to make this world more enjoyable and peaceful to live in.


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